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Drainage Installation in Oxfordshire
A Vital Groundwork Service Provided by Skilled Contractors

Jason Gillett Groundworks has been providing quality drainage services across Oxfordshire and the surrounding areas since 2008. We offer a comprehensive range of services to meet the needs of your project, covering foul and surface water drainage installations and full preparation work. This includes drainage for all kinds of commercial applications as well as domestic sewage treatment plants.

Our groundwork contractors have particular expertise in deep drainage construction, delivering reliable results at this crucial stage in your project. Our commitment to quality avoids expensive delays further on, helping keep construction on schedule and within budget.

Please contact us for more information.

Drainage Preparation

Before installing drainage, it is crucial to prepare the site for the planned system. JGG Ltd undertakes necessary preparation to ensure drainage installations work as expected. This includes excavating trenches:

  • To the right levels and falls

  • To receive the correct pipe sizes

  • To connect to the existing drainage system/main system

As part of our preparation service, our groundwork contractors remove any spoil from site, ensuring legal transport and disposal at a suitable facility. If you require, our services also cover bulk excavation and a broad range of commercial groundworks.

Drainage Installation


We provide an array of drainage solutions which we tailor to your site and project, including:

Foul water drainage

We install pipework which carries wastewater away from the property. This includes used water from bathrooms and kitchens.

Surface water drainage

Our surface drainage systems carry rainwater to a suitable drainage site, such as a stream, river or soakaway.


Our soakaways are an effective way to manage surface water, collecting surface water run-off at one point and allowing it to percolate in a controlled way into the surrounding earth. This reduces flood risks and improves ground stability.

Sewage Treatment Plants

Where properties cannot connect to the main sewer, contact us for sewage treatment plants which comply with the general binding rules for sewer discharges. At Jason Gillett Groundworks Ltd, our drainage installation services cover domestic and commercial treatment plants for individual and multiple properties.

Whether your sewage treatment plant in Oxfordshire needs to serve a small family, numerous households or a large commercial premises, our groundwork contractors make sure you have a quality system which will meet expected demand.

Call 01608 642726 or 07740 493796 for drainage installation in Oxfordshire and the surrounding areas.
